Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cheese, toilet rags and holidays

Fortunately Monday only continued into part of Wednesday.

Being the day before Thanksgiving, my task list was longer and more daunting than usual. Of course, I didn't get everything I needed for our feast on Monday so I had to return to the store...this visit was more pleasant that the previous one.

While I was warming the truck up to go to the store, Prestyn was up to mischief in the kitchen. We recently installed a child lock on the refrigerator after a raw chicken incident. Luckily, only an estimated 5% of chicken is contaminated with Salmonella.

Apparently I had not slipped the baby belt lock into place on the fridge. Prestyn greeted me at the door with a big smile, "Momma, Tanner's eating the dip!" Immediately I knew she had served up the fresh goat cheese I had just made to our 10-year-old pig-dog. Sure enough, there he was, eating my precious goat cheese right out of the tupperware, without baguette!

Not a big deal, but I wish I could get those two hours of cheese making back!

Naptime, for me, is sacred. My only time to regain adult sanity. And prepare whatever food I plan to eat that night. Lately, 30-minute naps have been popular. Fortunately, Prestyn saw my list of things to do today and decided to sleep for two hours. Hallelujah!

Cleaning the bathroom was one of the last things on my list. I like to get elbow-deep in the bowl, then take a nice, hot, sanitizing shower.

Being a conservationist, I have a hard time using paper products and pitching them (other than TP of to throw that away). I typically clean the bathroom using two rags, one for the counters and tub, and one for the floor and toilet. Then I sanitize the rags for reuse. In the meantime, they reside in the slop sink.

When Prestyn woke up, she ran straight for the back room which has recently been opened for her to explore. Not sure if it's a good decision or not, but it is what it is.

She played with the dogs for a while, then said, "I'm cleaning Mommy!" What a good little helper.

Then I realized I didn't know where she got the rag. I ran to the slop sink to find it empty.

My filing cabinet is now feces clean, yeah that's right, feces clean. I know you wish you had that kind of clean in your house for the holidays!

Happy Thanksgiving, from all of us in Pooh-ville.

P.S. If anyone needs help cleaning their house, I have just the girl for you.


  1. that's not my kid with her head in the toilet by the way....good ol' google image. i wouldn't doubt that prestyn could get her head that far in the toilet though.

  2. that would be awesome if it was. i would just go with it and let people think it's her! ha!
    this blog told me that you guys aren't doing the "family cloth" thing. ha! we don't either. if you are interested, though, i have a great step-by-step instruction link to how to make your own family cloth. yahoo!
