Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A case of the Muh-ndays all week long

Ever had a Monday that drug into Tuesday? I'm really hoping this week's Monday doesn't continue all the way into Wednesday.

Usually a struggle for me, Mondays seem to go quickly, but are always painful. Sunday night the fridge is a barren wasteland, toys are strewn about the floor and dirty clothes peak like Everest in the hamper. Monday is grocery-getting, balance-the-checkbooks, clean-up-the-house-from-the-tornado-that-blew-through-over-the-weekend day.  Jam-packed with chores, they are often unpleasant. The smallest irritant quickly sends an urge to my over-burdened  brain to rip out some blond locks.

This week the grocery store adventure couldn't end soon enough. By the time we reached the register, a box of waffles was open, the grapes were half-eaten, the milk carton handle was so chewed I thought milk would spurt out at any second like the overfull breast of a new mother.

But, before I could even go to the store, I needed to get some weight in the bed of my two-wheel-drive truck. My concerned husband called to let me know I needed to head to the lumber yard for some sand bags because the roads were slick. Being very frugal by nature, which I inherited from my stingy grandmother (god rest her soul), I thought, "Really, I have to spend $30 to even drive to the store to spend another $150. That just ain't right."

The previous week, we spent a small fortune on gravel to xeriscape our minefield of a backyard. (No people, it's NOT zero-scape, google it.)  Like the ghost of Christmas past, my grandmother appeared, "You've got a thousand sandbags in your yard!"

Unable to find suitable buckets, I grabbed an old dog food tupperware, a cooler that was on its last leg anyway, and a small trashcan and began shoveling away. Realizing I couldn't carry 500 pounds of rocks myself, I utilized the Radio Flyer ATW (yeah, that's right, All Terrain Wagon) to move the rock receptacles to my truck.

After all that, I was still sliding around town. But hey, at least I looked cool with a cooler full of rocks!

Monday continued into Tuesday with 3 pairs of poopy undies, a 30 minute nap, and a deliriously annoying two-year old.

I'm hoping for sanity tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. dang. i wish we were still commune neighbors. we could really use each other in this whole parenting and marriage world! :)
