Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Children: Proven to Gray Hair Faster than the Leading Brand

Every day is an adventure. I love it, don't get me wrong. But some days I think I may end up prematurely gray, or, heaven forbid, totally bald. It's a definite possibility at this point, and I wouldn't be surprised if one, or both, occur.

Some days Prestyn knows how to make the hair turn gray and fall out quickly. 

Today has been one of those days. (It's 2 p.m. and I already have a hazelnut hot chocolate - great for the hips, bad for the liver.)

Pretty much every day, after several cups of coffee, I need some alone time. You do too.

Today, during said time, Prestyn managed to get Lars' Sudafed off the counter and somehow pop six pills out. I found her with the metallic, plastic case on her bed, lips red with satisfaction. I panicked, as any mother would. I asked her how many she ate, as I counted the barren plastic discs.  Her response, "One, two, three, five, six."

Exactly that many clear, plastic holes were in the packet. Six or seven hairs fell out just then, and 12 went gray. Good thing I'm blonde.

I ran to find the rest of the box, and to my great relief I found six, slimy half-red tablets on the counter. Eight new, happy hairs popped out.

Apparently, once she got past the red coating, the tablets were no longer candy-like. The day prior, my friend Laura had given Prestyn a tiny red M&M to seduce her out of the car. 

Thank you McNeil Consumer Healthcare, for not making your pills taste totally like candy. But, PLEASE make a child-proof package!

Within the next few days, we plan to install a locking bathroom cabinet. Oh the wonders of the modern world...with deadly poison comes the ever-important child lock.

I know this will not be the last scare. I anxiously await many exciting days to come...before I turn gray and bald.

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